Health Insurance for Councilmembers

For their service, citizens who sit on the Albany City Council are provided a stipend of $300 per month, plus health insurance coverage (or additional money if they already have health insurance). There has been controversy (look here, here, and here) around the fact that the health insurance benefit for City Council members is more generous than that for city staff. Council members can choose a plan either through Kaiser or Blue Shield. The Kaiser plan is less expensive. City staff who select the Blue Shield plan, must pay the difference between the cost of the plans, while both plans are completely covered for City Council members.

I am self-employed and 100% of my family’s health insurance cost comes directly out of our pockets. If elected, I will accept the city’s health insurance coverage. However, I do agree with the Social and Economic Justice Commission (along with current Council members Javandel and Thomsen) that council benefits should not exceed staff benefits, and would introduce a motion to accept the commission’s recommendation. I freely admit that I am a long-time Kaiser member, so this is, perhaps, an easier decision for me to make than for others. But in the end this is a question of fairness and equity and it is clear that neither are served by the current arrangement.

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